Archive for “June, 2014”

The speed of life.

Moving at the speed of life.

I swear I just blinked and it was May 28th. That was a month ago!
I can’t seem to grasp how time can go by so quickly during the summers. It seems to me that during the winter, when the daylight is in short supply, the hours drag slowly along. Yet, during the summer solstice, when we have an over abundance of daylight, time moves exceptionally fast.

Now it seems to be compounded since I have a child. She changes rapidly everyday, growing, learning, gaining personality. I would hate to miss even one day. Though, I will. It is this type of situation that reminds me what my priorities should be.

I remember looking forward all summer long to a week long fishing trip on the St. Joe River with my Dad. I had heard so many stories that I couldn’t wait to go see it for myself. Time seemed to drag by… Until finally it arrived on the right date. Before I could even blink it was over. How could a week go so fast when all the other ones seemed to take forever?
The answer is fun. Having fun makes time a distant measuring device, that doesn’t seem to register the same way when we aren’t having as much fun.

For me, nothing will compare to my first trip up the river. Everything was new, exciting and fun. I can’t wait to do that for my daughter. I know I have been apart of many of those same experiences, and I can’t wait to be a part of many more.

Before the summer is over, which will be sooner than you think, plan something with a friend or someone you love. Go fishing. Make it special. Before you know it time will pass us by and the only thing we take away from it will be our memories.

Working it all out.

Life has been busy lately. Bustling. I am trying to get this site up and going. Trying to tie flies. Trying to landscape. Trying to be a good husband. Trying to be a good father.

Fishing has been good. I took a couple days off, mental health days, and went fishing with my dad on one of those days. I told my wife how it got me hooked on fishing again. I can’t wait to get back on the water, just like days of old! Sometimes all it takes is a little R and R. I got to do somethings that I normally don’t get to do when I am guiding. I got to fish. I got to relax with my Dad. BBQ on the river bank in the shade next to a nice riffle. No worries about time or number of fish caught. It was awesome. It was like being a kid in college again. A college kid who scheduled his classes around fishing, because all he can think about is getting back on the water.

It was a great reminder of what fishing should really be about. It’s not all about the catching. I feel like the corporate mindset is edging its way into the fishing world everyday, and ruining it as well. So many concerns about numbers. So many concerns about


I didn’t get into this business for the money, or for the numbers. I am in it for the lifestyle. For the simplicity. I take people fishing. I make people smile. I take pictures of people smiling with fish. This is a picture of my dad smiling with a fish.